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Tuesday, May 29, 2007 ; 11:31 AMY
i am lost in you

yay!!!! so the dance performance is over!!! lol.. just that i was too tired to update my blog for the past 2 days. it was definitely a bloody tiring weekend. work on saturday night, came home late... slept late... had to wake up at 7am on a sunday.. made my way to redhill mrt... the distance can really kill... thank god i'm living in singapore and not in the US or something... imagine travelling from state to state, definitely far worst than travelling from hougang to redhill. arg!!! and yes, thanks to my dad, my poor zombie self was saved from travelling all the way there alone cause he fetched me there :)thanks dad!!!! love him loads :) lol... yup yup...so i actually reached the place a good half an hour in advance.so we drove around the area just waiting for time to pass. met daryl and hui ru at 10am. went to get that much deserved soyabean curd. lol..hey, i was craving for some of that for god knows how long. just that i was too lazy to go find a shop that sells it. lol, lucky me, there was actually a mr bean at the station. but it tasted funny though :( daryl did say that brand of soyabean curd was horrible...hmmmm...damn.. MY CRAVING'S STILL NOT SATISFIED!!!! meow...maybe i'll go grab some after work one day.

so yup, went to louise's house after that... OMG! her pups are simply adorable.. as in, she has four, 2 adults and two new born pups which were about the size of my palm... they were practically sliding across the floor cause they still can't walk.. which was an additional point for cuteness! lol.. 2 balls of fur... super duper pampered doggies... just like mine :)

ok.. so dance rehearsals after that at the place which was in sembawang.yup, tiring but fun... so its aight. went for a meal at the coffeeshop nearby after that and made our way back to get our make up done.. show started at 8.45pm. yup.. the many hours of practices seemed so much as compared to the performance.. it was over in a flash. man.. but its an accomplishment. we had fun, we did our best... now, its time for a new dance :P heh heh heh... we've all decided to try to choreograph a new faba dance. that'll be fun :) haha... i love dance, what else can i say. lol. woohoo!!!

k... so after everything was done, daddy fetched me home, which was lucky for me once again cause sembawang is seriously not my area.. and for a person who doesn't have much of a sense of direction, AHEM! yup yup. you get the picture, yes?

aight.. now on to monday,
almost couldn't wake up for work cause i was terribly tired from the activities during saturday and sunday. dad fetched me again! but this time to work :P hey, but it was only because he was going to gardens with my mom to buy a couple of stuff.. so i just hitched a ride..reached sticky rice earlier than i expected. so i had to hang around there awhile... i swear i've never been this tired at work. was practically dying till baby showed up :) was totally suprised... poor baby :( his back problem's back.. went to have some prata after work then we left to see the sinsei for baby's back and my weak ankle that keeps giving way... urg :( irritating. the sinsei we found was also another URG!!! he was really lousy.. don't think i'll be taking the medicine he gave me anytime soon... don't trust them. plus, baby's back still hurts! what kinda service is that man... wth.. 28 bucks per person somemore.. i feel cheated :( a china man and the lady who tried to act like she's from china. tsk tsk.. i mean, they can speak english but they refuse to. no offence, but they just insist on speaking chinese when we're obviously chinese idiots. its not as if we didn't try communicating their way. though i've nothing against chinese once in awhile. i mean, speak an international language please! both parties will be happier that way, and there! all problems solved..but no... we had to have the weirdest people around.in one corner, we have the chinese people who try the english slang and sound really horrible and stupid..just that they don't know it. i mean, if you're brought up in some other country its fine, its understandable that you've adapted.. but hello? living in singapore all your life and then trying to slang so as to show people you can speak the so called "proper" english? trying to impress others? but whats wrong with our way of speaking english? just like them, we have our own way of doing things too. it could be influence but haiz. you know, to put it simply, GET BACK TO REALITY! YOU AIN'T WHITE! and in the other corner, we have the other extreme where they only speak chinese! its so modern now. come on! ENGLISH, PEOPLE!! learn it. you don't even have to take classes. no cash needed if thats the issue. just observe. oh man.. we have a long way to go... ok, so then again, maybe its our fault cause we suck at chinese, maybe we should improve...but it goes both ways man. it takes two hands to clap after all.. so yup, i guess at the end of the day no one's perfect. but still, there has to be some sort of communication that we all understand? sign language??? lol.. ok.. but yea, its no offence to anyone yea??? just noting a thought or two. its fustrating when you're in that position. arg!! its like a duck trying to communicate with a chicken.lol..k.weird example, i know. but it makes sense right? i mean, we have the capability to learn. at the end of it all, that sinsei and his assistant are idiots.. don't wanna speak english although they clearly can. totally unprofessional!!! well, thats the first and last time i try other sinseis. *pouts* oh yea, something else just came to mind, i haven't gotten the reply from NTU yet... and its like 2 days to the end of may..great, now i'm really feeling lousy.

anyways, on a happier note, i'm hanging wth baby later :) that should perk me up :P

Friday, May 25, 2007 ; 11:23 PMY
i am lost in you

fuck...so i just checked the NUS website... just had that gut-feeling to go check my status.. and, i got fucking rejected..AGAIN.... there goes my dream.. i feel like a bomb just dropped on me. haiz..i really did wanna get into NUS. Didn't really care bout the other universitys.. its a matter of personal choice.. but now, i guess its all gone. what else can go wrong...... oh yea, a rejection from NTU too.. thats the only thing that could go wrong now. gonna wait for that letter i guess. FUCK! nothing describes what i feel now... yup, regrets.............

Thursday, May 24, 2007 ; 11:21 PMY
i am lost in you

just came back from dance practice again. apparently a few steps were changed so i had to learn em. guess i'm lucky tuition could be pushed earlier so i could go for dance, or i'll be super left behind.
anyways, time to update bout yesterday.. was too tired to update yesterday so here it is now.
lets see, met baby at 2 and i swear it was one of those days where i look weird in everything i wear.. damn it.. its so fustrating when i'm rushing. lol.. don't know why i have to take one hour plus to prepare also.. i'm weird. lol. so... went to kovan to check out this jacket that was bloody nice. the only problem was that it was a guys jacket and even the smallest size made me look like i was drowning in it. so ya.. its a pity they don't carry the same design for girls... BOO! tried to psycho baby into falling for the jacket too.. well, at least one of us will have the jacket.. :) it'll look damn nice on him too.. ooooo...HAWTNESS! ok... opps.. lol..i don't know where that came from...damn bimbotic. haha. kay... anyways, moving on!
had pizza hut for lunch when i'm supposed to be on a diet.this is hopeless.. lol.. ordered those lunch time student meals. baby had baked rice and i had the personal pan pizza. :P

after that, we made our way to far east. had to hunt for my red sports bra for dance and a red jacket.found the red sports bra at heeren in the end :) bought it from new urban male :) i even had a discount for it.. but still, the price was still kind of a killer. oh well, its damn nice!!! no regrets :) baby helped me pick it out...

oh yea, so after the shopping gig, we went to cineleisure to collect the tickets first and then met the rest... the rest being:car, min, jonnay dokie, kevin and ernest.
had our dinner at the HIP DINER by Billy Bombers.. is that how its spelt? my brain isn't working well now..kinda half dead from dance... super duper tired.the food was...not bad actually.. but somehow the real billy bombers still seems nicer cause they have more to choose from in their menu.
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN after dinner at 8.30pm!!! woohoo! the show was just as i expected.. it was really nice... well, except for a few scenes which were rather confusing. but overall, it was super!

left for home after that with baby, min and jonny..

oh oh!!! one more thing to add.. lol.. this is damn bloody funny! jonny's hair!!!! he bears a striking resemblance to llyod from DUMB AND DUMBER.. lol.. it was serious damn funny.. still can't stop laughing everytime i look at him..poor guy. lol.. well, ciao.. i betcha jonny's never gonna live this down... BWHAHAHA.. dang it! i forgot to take a photo.. heeeee :P

Wednesday, May 23, 2007 ; 11:52 AMY
i am lost in you

aight... just gonna blog now cause i'm super super duper worried, anxious, depressed, excited, scared, nervous.....well, its about the university thing. i haven't gotten any letters yet.. well except for smu..but thats not counted cause i knew i'd get rejected from them. i'm just afraid i'd get rejected from the other universitys too.. i've just been listening to everyone talk about how many universitys have accepted them. heck! they even get to pick and choose from all the courses offered to them by the various universitys..they're so lucky... haiz.. it sucks to be me at times like this. i'm happy for my friends who've gotten places in the universitys or in whatever place they plan to be in, but i can't help being a tinch bit envious of them.. i'm only human you know.. but thats no excuse i guess..its only because they put in so much more hard work. i wish i had too... there are so many people out there just like me during this time..all fighting for a position. does applying to every university help? i wish i didn't get the grades i had, then i wouldn't have to be so "desperate" for a place in the course i want. i wouldnt' be on pins and needles like i am now, knowing that i'll get rejected but still hanging on to that little light of hope that perhaps i MIGHT get into my dream course. to get into a university would be a dream come true right now. if only i worked harder, i'd be relaxing like the people who made it, letting the acceptance letters flow in..taking my time to consider those that i want. well, having a choice in the course i want that is.


guess i don't exactly have a choice now... no use crying over spilt milk. should have worked harder when i had the chance to. i don't even know what happened last year.. i don't normally score this bad academically. i mean, especially in important examinations. i should have known better. arg! boy am i feeling an all time low! i'm freaking out cause its nearing the end of may and i haven't gotten anything....NOTHING!

ok..i've got nothing else to say.. i'm just really really worried now.

well, i've got to go and get ready to meet baby. he's on the way home.
going to orchard to hang out awhile and to look for a couple of stuff for the dance performance this sunday.
i think i need to de-stress too anyways, before it kills me. ahhahaha.. going nuts just thinking about it.
maybe i'll have some fondue later...to drown my sorrows that is..hell, if i can think of food at a time like this, i'm really loosing it. hah!
gonna watch pirates of the caribbean later at night with my girls and baby and his friends.
i'll update tonight or tomorrow on how it went.
going off to change now..yup yup yup.

Sunday, May 20, 2007 ; 11:37 PMY
i am lost in you

hey! looks like i haven't been blogging in a long time.. lol...i'm such a pig. too lazy to come online.

aight... so lets see.. just came home from dance practice. the performance is next week. apparently its for the members of parliament. the dance is alright i guess.. just needs more last minute touch-ups. we'll get through it just fine :)

oh yea... urg..i gotta work like 3 consecutive days next week... and i'm in the morning shift for all three of them...brilliant.. that mean... tada! i gotta wake up at freaking 8am! haiz....... .such an un-godly hour to be walking around. its depressing... but since i need the cash, i can't be choosey now, can i? its quite inconvenient for fred if i keep changing the schedual too.. so nvm.. i guess i'll just deal with the early mornings. gotta look for a red top at kovan too for dance . i guess i'll go there after work tomorrow if i'm not dead tired... plus i gotta go for dance practice at the esplanade at 6.15 and UAN at 8pm.. gonna die from exhaustion.

aight.. thats all folks! lol..i gotta go try to sleep.. or i'll look like some zombie tomorrow again... we won't want a zombie look-alike waitress walking around right? :P ok... for some reason, that just sounded wrong.. urg.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007 ; 9:30 PMY
i am lost in you

OMG!!! firstly, whatever happened to my DIET?! i've been indulging in food more than ever these three days. lol.. but i guess baby and i are rather lucky :) other people only celebrate their anniversary's on one day...whilst ours is like celebrated over 3 consecutive days! lol... nothing but fun fun FUN!!! haha...i'm just super duper happy now... and super exhausted as well... i've been so tired these few days for some reason.. so tired that i couldn't even bring myself to blog. just lie on the bed and i'm knocked out.. geeee.... i wonder why. hmmmm...

anyways, so we just came back from shangri-la hotel..ate at The Line.. woohoo! thats THE place to eat man.. it has the best spread among all the buffets at any hotel. ask baby... plus, today was oyster night.. so it was double delight for him i think. lol.. urg..oysters arn't my thing though... but i'm so glad he enjoyed it.. its for our anni :) oh boy, i'm just so full now... we've just been to food heaven.. yup yup yup. don't have the photos to post here though... have to go to baby's blog for those... arg!! come to think of it... i haven't posted pictures for quite a long time.. hmmmm.. i'll do something about that soon.

oh yes, i'll update bout the past 2 days too...

baby cooked lunch for me :) hmmm....breaded chicken with cheese.. there were also side dishes like wedges and mozerella cheese sticks :) it not bad.. for his first time that is..it was totally sweet of him to cook for me like that..
oh..that was only part one of the whole day :)
baby suprised me with our new rings too :) black and silver ones ..yippie!!! there're so pretty..i love baby to bits!!!!!!! muacks! he went through so much of trouble to prepare all these things for me.. awwwwwww... *hugs and kisses* i really loved all of it.especially the ice cream that came much later on at night. :) thats really called sinful eating. we gotta run like 50 laps for this man. lol. but i really loved every moment that day.. thank you so much for the whole day. YOU made my day...JUST YOU :)

had to work in the day again.. came home half dead ...left the house AGAIN not long after i reached home...for dance this time... yesterday has got to be the most tiring day i've ever had..i was damn tired.. ask baby. he came to fetch me.. and that day was supposed to be our actual anniversary date. meow.. but baby bought me a rose!!! the niggest one i've ever seen..lol..its called a holland rose? or something like that.. but its soooo big!!!!!! i love it!! haha.. it cost a bomb though... :( THANKS BABY!!! we cabbed home after dance cause i was really really EXTREMELY exhausted. the cab fare really blew a whole through my wallet too :( meow....had to book one because there weren't any around! bloody cab drivers..i swear they're all money hungry. won't pick passengers up unless they book a cab. asses!

ok..and as for today... dinner sums it up... the over-filling dinner we had :) lol.. on a bimbo note, we looked super glam today!!! bwhahaha... baby was hot! well, he's hot everyday, but today he was sizzling! lol :p

aight, now this next section is for baby!!!

hey babe, first, thanks for being with me through thick and thin all these years.
you've tolerated all my nonsense and you've been really patient with me.
i really do appreciate all that you do for me.
eight years ago when we first met, we were super young and nerdy remember? haha
ok fine, i was the nerdy one. lol
but yea... i never thought we would have come this far.
we've really come a long way.
i believe that what we have is very strong and that is something that no one can ever take from me.
we've gone through our fair share of bad times and rocky roads.
although we weren't always together, i always felt we were always close at heart.
we really do have something special :)
from the time i said we'd try again last year, till now. i've never regretted anything.
i just hope that you don't too.
i wanna do my best to make sure you're never sad.
i wanna do my best to make sure i don't let you down...
i know i've done alot of that in the past.
i've been trying to correct that and i think i'm getting somewhere at least:)
i'm gonna make sure that you'll be happy always :)
i don't like it when you're sad...it makes me sad too :(
i'm glad that we gave us another chance.
this time, we're more matured.
i can tell we're gonna be just fine now :)
i'm confident of it.
thanks to you, i've gained back that confidence after last time.
you're amazing, you know that?
i love you truck loads yea :) <3333333
cheers to us!!!

hmmmm...with that said, i'm gonna sleep now i guess.. just really exhausted today too... nights everyone!

Friday, May 11, 2007 ; 8:49 PMY
i am lost in you

My boyfriend:
1) joined me for a facial... its his first time. :)
2) had his eyebrows tidied up. (its not as gay as it sounds) ..just a lil tidying up only.
3) is so damn adorable.oh yea, hilarious too. :p
4) had his face poked like a gazzllion times today... his fault for having so many black heads.lol

lol...okok...before he comes after me for announcing this.. i'd better stop there.. lol.. muacks baby!!!!

so, we went to orchard after our lil makeover( he considers it a nightmare though) lol... went to cineleisure to watch the bridge to terabithia.. and i shit you not, that show is damn lousy... no wonder TNP gave it only 2.5 stars. its so.... urg! the worst choice of show ever.. :( it has almost NO storyline and definitely makes no sense to me... totally lame and unimaginative..i ought to shoot the director... so here's some advice to the rest of you guys who haven't watched it.... DON'T! ...lol anyways, ate subway after that and made our way home..

going out tomorrow to have penny's post birthday celebration.. and where better to have it than at....... STICKY RICE! lol..nah kiddin.. going there just cause its near and we get discounts:) oh yea, plus the food's good. :) hope she likes her present.... aight..ciao for now..

Wednesday, May 09, 2007 ; 10:07 PMY
i am lost in you

just came back from dance practice despite me coughing my lungs out... don't know why i've come down with such a bad cough again. oh well, dance dance dance! i need to dance to let everything out i guess... followed by a cold shower to clear my mind. it feels really good to do that, except for the fact that i'm sick so yea.

since this is kinda like a diary,
i've gotta spill some stuff.
can't take it anymore.
no offence or anything...
i just need to do this.
i'm just feeling really shitty today.
i've said this before,
maybe i don't deserve any of this.
i guess deep down i know i don't.
i know i'm being selfish.

yet, i can't do anything about it.
i guess this is what becomes of a person who's too stubborn to change.
it sucks to always be in the wrong.
yet i tell myself that i'll be better next time, i'll do better.
but, i never do. it just gets worst.
it seems like i just keep failing at everything.
the only thing i seem to do well in is watching everyone get better.
at times like this,
i feel i'm the not one who'll make you happy.
you seem happier elsewhere..arn't you?
i can see it.
i've seen it many times before and even now.
the difference.
the thing is, i can't seem to let you go.
does that count as being selfish?
you're the only one i can count on.
does that count as being over-dependent?
you're everything to me.
what we have is so precious to me.
its so precious that it makes me so angry at times for some reason.
i guess its because i feel that someday i won't have that precious thing anymore,
because i feel like something or someone will take that from me.
is that being over-protective and too sceptical?
funny thing is, i know i don't deserve it in the first place, after all i've done.
there's so many things that are precious to you that i can't even accept.
you've done nothing wrong.
all you've done is accept me and all my flaws.
and what do i do in return?
make things even harder for you by not accepting something thats so important to you.
i know whats important to you.
i know what means the world to you.
and yet, i can't bring myself to terms with it.
i can't make myself accept them.
its not as bad as when it first started i assure you.
i've understood abit and accepted that bit.
but, there's still that major part.
i'm weird, but i feel it'll come between us one day.
you've never done this to me though. never! not once.
am i really cut out for you?
i feel like such a selfish person. what am i doing?
perhaps all i give you is stress.
i don't know why. or do i?
perhaps its my attitude.
its just pushes everyone away.
well, that explains it i suppose.
am i a good friend?
thanks to those who are always with me. love you guys.
sticking by me despite me being like this.
anyway, now i know why those things in the past happened.
now i know why you say those things.
the weird thing is,
it hurts, though its clearly my fault.
safy, what have you become?

there. i've said my due. i've bitched my heart out.
but i don't feel much better though. haiz...

Tuesday, May 08, 2007 ; 9:36 PMY
i am lost in you

OMFG!!! i've been like so tired these days... work and other stuff i guess... the after effects? well, i think i'm getting sick again. yup, the same old throat infection thingy.. cause i feel as shitty as i did the last time i had the damn infection. think i'll loose my voice by tomorrow i suppose. back to taking medicine again which is basically just making me even more sleepy and intolerant of alot of stuff... my nose is like super stuffy too.. can't exactly breathe properly. i hate this stupid thing... it seems like it only comes back at the worst of times... with the dance performance coming up plus the practice sessions and of course with work... i guess thats taking a toll on my body...ahhhh!!! feel damn weak... this is so annoying i swear. tomorrow's gonna be my fifth day at sticky rice..yup yup.. so i guess i'll have to go in for work tomorrow, don't exactly wanna cause more inconveniences. dance practice in the evening for the competition, so i guess its gonna be a tiring day.

oh oh!! i finally bought my donuts :P was craving for them for quite some time. heh heh.. my secret donut shop.. the ones at raffles city and vivo are always so damn crowded... the one i went to doesn't even have a line :) happy day... yum yum.. okie dokie.. till tomorrow then :)

lastly, our anniversary is next monday.. but had to change it to sunday i guess...hope nothing else pops up for me. arg!! i'm oh so tired... and i gotta think of something to get for his anniversary present.. ideas?

Friday, May 04, 2007 ; 11:49 PMY
i am lost in you

As you can tell from the entry title (can you?, CAN YOU?!!!), today was my first day of work at sticky rice. it was not bad... quite fun actually :) john came along to help me out and to "support" me as he puts it. well, i guess it did help me.. it kinda helped me get used to this whole waitress thingy faster.. so yea, thanks for today. thanks for sticking around although it wasn't your work day.*hugs* and to the rest of you people out there reading this, come visit me!!!!!! but call first to see if i'm working there on that day :) the food there is damn good, trust me.. lol. plus, i doubt any of you will want to miss the opportunity to come see me as you've never seen me before. lol.. the GU NIANG at WORK. :P ..arg..that made me sound like a spoilt brat somehow.... i'm not k!!! meow... ok..lameness kicking in. lol.

as said in my previous entry, met min and car outside CJC bus-stop at 1pm and made our way to SIM from there. man, all the memoriesof CJC.. lol.. i mean, just by sitting out there and watching everyone come out of school.. i guess even if its not exactly the best of my school days memories, its still nice to look back to all the fun times i had there :)
I decided on the banking and finance course in SIM cause i figured that even if i wanted to take psychology there i'd need the maters programme and they don't offer it, so it'll be a complete waste of time for me. BOO them...no choice in the end , had to go for my second choice. apparently i'll be informed only like a month later. so yup, the waiting game starts again for one more university on top of the 3 others that i applied for. the anticipation is killing me... in a bad way of course. i'm worried sick. :( watching everyone get offered places in the university and course of their choice.. well, the guys that is, cause they've got NS. but then again, its still nerve-wrecking! wait a minute, did i mention that the application fee for that DAMNED SIM is $52.50??!! well, 50 bucks actually but plus 5% gst, there's your $52.50... bloody hell.. thats a huge fee compared to the $10 and $15 fee for NUS, NTU and SMU. and hell, its no where as good as those universitys..no offence though.. wow.. a whopping $52.50. lol.. and that'll be F.O.C for them if i don't freaking get accepted. arg!! that could have bought me PIZZA :( :( *sobs* *drools* shhhh....my diet allows me to eat lunch. lol.

ok, enough bitching here. moving on!! after SIM, we(as in john, min, car and I) left for island creamery.. man oh man! its been such a long while since i've been there. the ice cream's is so good!!! yum yum yum.. lol. was in love with this ice cream way before i liked ben and jerry's and i can safely say those two are on par with each other. lol. just that island creamery is cheaper :) nvm, cheap is good.. lol..kidding, i'm just being a cheapskate. but yea, both taste just as good. lol.

made our way down to gardens after that to get ready for work. and since we were early, we visited that pet shop again .. OH MY!!!! i think john fell in love with one of the bunny's there. though i must admit it was seriously damn adorable..simply a ball of fur. well, you've gotta see it to believe it.. who knows, it might be in john's house one day since pancakes might need a companion... and john? don't you dare neglect our baby pancakes. lol. she's just as cute! its just that she likes giving people fury swipes and especially to you john, its her own special way of showing her affections :) oh yea, carrying on from where i left off before i started blabbering, we hung out at ice cube after that for awhile since sticky rice was still not open. lol :P

work started at around 5.45pm and ended at around 10.45pm. and the balance info, u've already read in front. lol. :) just to add on, i've decided, we're gonna adopt an idea for sticky rice..among ourselves that is. lol. since today was kinda interesting at work, we're all gonna be named after fruits!!! yay! lol.. madness... this is in honour of mango( one of the waitresses, and its not her real name btw. its her pet name and it gave me a brilliant idea:P ). so here goes, i'm gonna be strawberry, john's gonna be banana, fred's gonna be durian.. lol.. meow.. shit, now he says he wanna be the pineapple.. oh well, pineapple then.. hahaha!! so there's mango, strawberry, banana and pineapple....not bad a combination.. lol.. yikes! this is complete madness.lol.. but thats what makes it so interesting yea? lol . we'll think of names for the rest tomorrow i guess. kinda tired now.. practically blogged bout the whole day, literally. bummer, gonna sleep now :) lol. nights ya'll !!!! :)

Thursday, May 03, 2007 ; 9:30 PMY
i am lost in you

i baked again today :) actually, just wanted to finish up the rest of the dough that was left over. lol... and i've got a suprise for baby tomorrow :) he'll just have to wait to find out... lol.. :p

oh, and today's tuition was not bad.. he's getting better at his math i suppose.. which is making everything alot easier.. lol..so quite a good day, except for the few outbursts of temper... :) everything's fine now though..

i'm starting work tomorrow too... had to cancel my dance practice because of it though:( i hope i don't miss out on too much.. oh man... hmmm...but nvm..quite excited bout work.lol.. yea, i know i'm nuts..but hey, might as well enjoy it.i think i'll be fine for a first day...we'll see how it goes tomorrow.. i need the cash too anyways.. going to sim to meet min and car first to settle some documents. yup :) its kind of a short entry today cause nothing much happened today really... till tomorrow i suppose :)

; 9:30 PMY
i am lost in you

i baked again today :) actually, just wanted to finish up the rest of the dough that was left over. lol... and i've got a suprise for baby tomorrow :) he'll just have to wait to find out... lol.. :p

oh, and today's tuition was not bad.. he's getting better at his math i suppose.. which is making everything alot easier.. lol..so quite a good day, except for the few outbursts of temper... :) everything's fine now though..

i'm starting work tomorrow too... had to cancel my dance practice because of it though:( i hope i don't miss out on too much.. oh man... hmmm...but nvm..quite excited bout work.lol.. yea, i know i'm nuts..but hey, might as well enjoy it.i think i'll be fine for a first day...we'll see how it goes tomorrow.. i need the cash too anyways.. going to sim to meet min and car first to settle some documents. yup :) its kind of a short entry today cause nothing much happened today really... till tomorrow i suppose :)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007 ; 9:20 PMY
i am lost in you

oooooooooYEA!!!! i had a fun and relaxing time with my baby today.. went to east coast park to cycle :) and of course eat..lol. it was lunch see? yup yup.. had truck loads of fun with him.. ok, although it kinda rained on us, it didn't spoil anything.. nothing could:) cycled all the way to the jetty and back again. passed by the water skiing area which was uber cool!!! i wanna try that one day.. its so gonna blow a big fat hole in my wallet to have those few minutes of big big fun..lol..anyone wanna treat me to it? lol..kidding... YOU STINGY POKERS!!! awwwww...c'mon... someone??? anyone??? ok...now i just feel nutsy kuku. haha..feeling high today :) cam-whored today too.. like i said before, there's ALWAYS time for that. lol. hmmm....oh yea, did i mention east coast park was super duper crowded today? man, now i know why min didn't wanna go cycling on a public holiday. too many kids around and in the way, till they get lost and all that. alamak, headache! oh dear, that kinda made me sound like a naggy grandma... opps :)

there was a hell load of those qi-ko-pek blangas around too :( why do i always get the weird ones. i so wanted to best him up for staring..and not from a distance somemore, right smack in front of me. i swear if i wasn't so stunned by his guts, i would have chromed him there and then... arg!!!!! so degrading... meow..urg! psycho freak of nature. personal cheap thrills......and i'm so not happy that i was the unlucky soul.. bloody hell. nvm, just wait.. next time, no way man.. hmph!

okok...oh yea, we played with balloons too :) well, we played with the helium IN the balloon rather.. lol..it was really fun cause we had funny gay voices after we inhaled it.. real funny.. our own lil cheap thrill. haha.. baby was really amused, even more amused than me. its like his dream come true.haha..damn cute.

wanted to stay for some dance performance there but decided not to in the end cause i guess it was kind of a waste of time to sit there and wait for a few hours..i'll join if there's another one though :) was really tempted to join ...been having this dance fever in me these days especially.lol... hmmm.. anyways, made our way to jonny's place after that to meet him and sarah. thats his new gf btw... and yea, she's nice :) glad to see jonny happy too so yup, everything's good. lol. showered at his place then all four of us left for sticky rice!!!! lol...AGAIN! we'll go bankrupt if we eat there everytime i tell you. lol. but dinner was ok..although i'm NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE DINNER!!!! sobs..... why did i??? SOBS! I'M ON A FREAKING DIET!!! haiz..there's something wrong with blogger and i can't upload the pictures for today, i guess i'll have to do it in my next update then :( anyways,..lol.... i've got a date with baby tomorrow for spider man 3! lol.. ciao for now. :) HAPPY DAY!!!!!!! YAYNESS!

this lady

5th April '88.
blur queen.
sucker for chocolates :p .

her past


her present

SIM UOL Banking & Finance

her wishes

loose weight...at least 3kg.
money!!! basically, a job.
pick up a new sport.
a new digicam.
more accessories...glittery ones.
preeety nails... can never keep them for long :( .
b>funky new hair colour!!!.

Designer : muffinLady
Photo : photobucket

her current fascinations

mr. ting's fish lips
pineapple tarts

Love Story - Taylor Swift