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Tuesday, February 27, 2007 ; 11:07 PMY
i am lost in you

went out with the girls today. it was really nice seeing them again.. its been awhile. met up at around 12 plus then went to have lunch at the kopitiam.. penny wanted to eat her beef noodles and joyce ate the famous chicken set. i tried the fish soup.. and omg..i think it was a disaster.. damn..i ordered the spicy fried fish soup thinking that just the fish was spicy.. wtf! when it came, the guy literally dumped a whole lot of chilli padi into my soup.. it was damn spicy..couldn't eat everything.. damn.. plus the drinks there are so bloody expensive.. haiz.. i'm broke.. and its official. then we decided to catch a movie cause we're seriously damn tired of walking around.its all the same old things. damn it. so we watched 'just follow law'.. it was an "ok" show. some parts were really funny and some parts were just bloody boring.. at least it wasn't horrible...then i'll be cheated of my cash again..*sigh* left for home at ard 6 plus and hung with baby awhile.. the night was good:) yay!!!

going out with baby tomorrow.. can't wait.. but first.. gotta go for ballet.. oh man...

Monday, February 26, 2007 ; 10:56 PMY
i am lost in you

dance today again.. 12pm to 4pm.. tired as hell. and A level results are comming out this friday.. just great. what am i to do? i'm so darn nervous. no turning back now.

Sunday, February 25, 2007 ; 10:39 PMY
i am lost in you

one word...shitty.
basically sums up my whole day.
i really hate me now.
don't know what i'm doing.
i'm weird? yea.
just blogging for the sake of it.
got comments? keep them to yourself.
i'm not in the mood.
this is sort of a journal anyway... right?

; 12:39 AMY
i am lost in you

2 words to describe tonight...FUCKING FUNNY! all the gay shit happened.. i swear, THAT house is the most HAPPENING place i've been to so far. damn entertaining.and the best part is its FREE! lol..4 guys throwing their dignity out the window, me laughing like there's no tomorrow, the mom's going around match making people( actually just a guy and a girl) *this is where i actually sabo the guy* but i'm gonna be nice here. and JOHN!!! haha.. caught in the obscene act. lol.. priceless moments.. johnny's gay dance moves, ernest the nice guy????? erm..ok..no comment.. and kevin!! lol. ur extended family's seriously damn funny. lol..beats mine anyday!!!WHITE ASS!!! oh man! and and.. the bright idea of taking oranges from kevin's house to bai nian to his mom??? just because we forgot to bring our own.lol.. lazy to buy also..but, bad idea..she knew after all..how dumb can we get? wonder whose idea that was... hmmmm... lol.. that was somewhat embarrasing and funny :) .... 35 bucks for cab was crazy !!thats like the most expensive cab ride i've ever taken...but the hong bao somehow made up for it :P haha. ok..my jaw and tummy hurts cause of tonight.. laughed too much already. let the vids do the talking now, shall we? and since i don't know how the hell to upload them from my phone, i'm gonna let john do the work :)


enjoy the humiliation!!!! bwhahahaha!
btw, the mad person laughing, it ain't me pls.

on a more depressing note, ballet for 4 hours plus tomorrow... to make it worst, it starts at 9am. i'm gonna die. plus rehearsals at night from 8pm to 10 plus.... meow............. help?

Thursday, February 22, 2007 ; 10:36 PMY
i am lost in you

got dragged to vivo today by my mom's friend.. apparently i promised them.. i swear i only said i was free today when they asked.. no such plans were agreed upon.. damn.. so anyway, i felt like being nice today.. after all, if i bailed on them, my mom will be left alone with them, plus she's not well.. so yea.. really torture. haiz..walked and walked and walked... they argued about fashion sense..my mom and I stood by and watched.. it really made my headache even worst than it already was.

i got awoken up at 7 in the morning! apparently cause my mom said they were gonna fetch us by 10am!! awww.c'mon.. common sense please, shops don't open that early. why the rush.. i am seriously clueless.....and, AND.... why wake me up 3 hours before we leave!!! ARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all i got out of the whole thing was a damn bad headache and sore feet. so in the end, they only arrived at 11 plus . damn irritating.

my feet hurt like FUCK now. aching.. hope their feet are too.. ok..so i'm being mean. i earned it for being dragged around today.. shit head! oh yea, did i mention they got lost in SINGAPORE?!!! we had to ask ppl to bring us there.. so damn embarrassing.. haiz.. what a day. k. enough bitching for now. too tired to even elaborate further. I NEED MY PILLOW :)))))))) meow................................

Wednesday, February 21, 2007 ; 9:55 PMY
i am lost in you

was awoken at 8 today when my mom came into my room to ask some random question at such an ungodly hour... oh man... so damn tired.. well, couldn't sleep after that and went to watch some tv before going out at 11 to meet my baby. his BTT was today.. and i'm glad to say that he passed!!! :) no doubt about it.. knew he could breeze right through it. hmmm.. than had to rush through lunch and then i left for dance class while baby went to changi airport to study.. i trust he did. stupid poly's so tough... but he'll do just fine :) i just have that gut feeling that tells me so. :p

after dance ended, had to rush home to bathe and get ready to leave the house again to meet car. i was on time for once and the our timing couldn't be more perfect. hmmmm...went to TM to get Jaja's farewell gift... nice guy lah.. so we had to get him something.. went to the airport after that to have dinner with him.. last dinner? haha.. sounds so drama!!! but yes, we'll all miss him.. especially cause we got away with everything when we bullied him :) bwhahaha... gave him a HUGE bear!!! (well, ok lah..medium, but enough to scare him cause he'll have to carry it around).. white bear... its him! polar bear...lol..all the jokes. and we ate popeye's!! yum... but all the fast food i've been eating is taking its toll man... shucks..

went over to baby's crib when we got back to evergreen.. went there to hang awhile and to watch the dance floor. seriously, they lacked energy.. maybe they were nervous. but it kinda sucked.. well, most of it.. not that i can do better... i think they've got the techniques(i don't) but they've also got limited expressions!!!

anyway, the day didn't really have a nice closure... i guess maybe i spoiled it and i'm sorry. always seem to screw up the good things in life. its like i'm a jinx. sometimes i wonder why i'm like that really. the word sorry doesn't even cut it. doesn't mean anything to me . so yea, i'm lost... fuck, this sucks.

Your gift to me was the courage to believe
Unchanging feelings were always engraved in my heart
Your gift to me was warm and gentle
Because it continues to sparkle in my future

So many times we've stopped, barely able to see it
Continuing to run up this narrow, long path

the disappointment, the sadness, the anger.
when will it ever be stopped.
i need to stop...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 ; 11:58 PMY
i am lost in you

today....went out with baby and jonny dokie to watch norbit!! damn funny show.. my gosh.. probably every guy's worst nightmare.. bwhahaha... incentive for me to go and diet:) yes yes, safy, u shall shut that gap of yours and go running!!!! ok..maybe not running, sports then! yay.. ok..set! lol. more workouts!! oooooyea! after that, i left for ZS's house for the class reunion... well, sort of a reunion... lol..steam boat and now my tummy hurts.. OMG! i swear maybe the food wasn't cooked properly.. thats one reason why i don't usually eat this kinda thing. lol.. but its something different after such a long time so why not.. :p and baby followed me all the way there.OK! i admit i'm not very direction savvy.. hmmm..what will i do without you??? <33333
didn't really stay long ..left at around 7.30 to go buy baby's dinner and went back to his house to do up the dance CD. in desperate need for it.. once again, thanks babe for helping me with it!!! just love him to bits :))))))) meow... thank god we finished it in time.

baby's BTT's tomorrow .. gonna accompany him there. then, book our FTT and practical. :) yay to that :p jaja's going abroad to study and he's leaving tomorrow! how sad.. gotta admit i'm gonna miss that dumb ass and his lame jokes .. sending him off at the airport tomorrow anyways....

Sunday, February 18, 2007 ; 11:17 PMY
i am lost in you

well, the hong baos are flowing in :) although not as much as last year. lol.. okok! so maybe chinese new year's not all about hong baos (AHEM!!!) ... ITS ABOUT THE FOOD TOO!!! woohoo! food food food food..lalalalalalala...BOOYA!!! i'm loving it!!! :p there was so much of food today.. the spread was simply gorgeous... i ate so much!! oh man..i love my mom's food.will i ever be able to cook like her??? ...its running time too.. its like punishment for eating so much.. not as if the giant ulcers are not enough punishment for poor me.. especially during CNY,when the food's so good... meow....damn unlucky... ok...thats about all for now.. not very interesting... but i just HAD to blog bout the food :)

Thursday, February 15, 2007 ; 10:25 PMY
i am lost in you

well, woke up today at like 7am to get ready cause i had to meet min at 8 to make our way to the driving centre for our BTT (exam's at 9am). Technically, i was awoken by my mom like a gazillion times since 6am if i remember correctly or possibly earlier.. :( reminding me about this and that before everyone leaves the house... awwww! come on already! she's just gotta trust that i won't burn down the house or something in that hour or so that i'm home.. arg!!!

met min at 8am and then we headed for the bus stop to take 87. oh man! there was this guy in the bus, i swear he farted and just stood there innocently. wtf! damn stink! "best" part is that he was standing right in between min and I. arg.. wtf. but the journey was quite fun. lol. i just gotta look at min and its a given that i'll burst out laughing with her "smart" comments.(note the inverted commas).. she's so gonna murder me but the comedy act seriously never ends with her. haha. so we sat for the BTT and she was out within 10 to 20 minutes? and as for me, i took like half an hour. but we both passed! so its cool :) went to get our PDLs after that. now we can drive!!! yay! but of course with an instructor inside the car... but you know, what the police won't know won't hurt them. lol.. i'll start practicing on my dad's car!! whaha! hope he'll let me... or maybe my brother's car eh? hope both cars have insurances though... :) but i'm so happy that the first step to attaining my driving license is complete!!! woohoo! went for breakfast at macs in hougang mall after the exam with min and bitched.. the usual hoo haas.

left for home after that, which was at about 11am? yea..about there i suppose.had to get ready to meet him. i wore my boots today!! (or hooker boots, as baby calls it) . i swear he takes longer than me to get ready if he decides to do up his hair..like today! lol.. but its all good.. no offence to you dear. cabbed to plaza sing to buy the movie tickets for ghost rider! super cool movie!!! go watch it people! :) you won't regret it.. its worth the money. ate at marche while waiting for the movie to start. we were really hungry..but couldn't finish the food in the end..appitite shrinking?? but WHY?! lol..anyways, today's a good day cause orchard was not crowded and there were no kids around. its good to have holidays when everyone's in school ya know? :) hmmm... left for bishan after the movie cause i had to go tutor the kid. sadly, i couldn't cancel it so i could spend more time with him.. ( i'm so sorry bout it) ...there's no tuition next weeks anyways and i got a hong bao from them :) quite nice indeed. he waited for me again for 2 hours. seriously, i feel damn bad bout it .. guilty... :( haiz.......

the kid gave me a hard time today.. haiz.. something was up with him.. not interested in the lesson, pissed at god knows what or just plain lazy. wtf? i seriously had a headache after teaching him today. he was totally not responding to me and i had to spoon feed him the damn answers.. wtf! he's definitely not that dumb.. haiz.. maybe its just not his day.. who knows.. lets see how it goes next week.

left for home after tuition cause we weren't hungry in the end. had such a bad headache that i went home straight instead of hanging at baby's place. baby, ur disappointed i know, i'm sorry
:(... but thanks for today... our valentine's day... we're special.. always!

oh man, and i got 2 freaking big ulcers on my gum :( so bloody pain.. its hell on earth!!! meow... heal dammit, HEAL! ......well, maybe i sld eat more soupy stuff for now.. cooling stuff might work :( someone suggested to me fresh starfruit juice with salt... hmmm.. maybe i'll try.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 ; 11:35 AMY
i am lost in you

i'm searching...............
searching for that person or something that can enlighten me.
something's missing in my life...
that paticular something that used to enrich my life so much..
all i feel is emptiness now.
maybe its just me i guess.
and no, i'm not going nuts.
all the laughter and fun, keeps my attention away from the matter at hand.
its good, cause it doesn't make me think as much.
so, thanks to all out there who've been good friends to me. you guys really help.
and of course, thanks to my baby, who's busy but never fails to try his best to be there for me.
i know i can be a bitch or a brat or whatever you want to call it.
i'm still trying to change that about myself. no lies.
everyone has flaws yea?the road to perfection.
i'm a miserable person.. whats all this shit thats going on with me.
i have all that i need, but there's still something missing. and i can't find it.
so call me a brat, but its fustrating! i need it soon before i explode.
there's only so much that a person can handle after all. i'm only human.
everyone has their own problems everytime i guess.
i've had problems before, but none which i couldn't handle.
guess this is it.
nothing's going right for me now. its like my whole world is collasping on me.
anyway, just needed to get that off my chest. this is a blog after all, sorta like a diary.
my personal bitching partner.hah!

another thing,
Valentine's day is so over-rated.
don't you agree?
this is oh so annoying, urg.. oh so boring. bleah!!

But i suppose...on a brighter and much happier note, its our 9th month together today(well,sorta) :p
and yes, of course, happy valentine's day to us. *hugs and kisses to you* <33333333

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 ; 9:39 PMY
i am lost in you

yay!!!! i baked 2 cakes today!!! yippee!! mmmmmm... chocolate heaven :):):):) and yes, thanks to you guys who helped me today( you guys know who you are). We shall all get sore throat together with the extra chocolate cake:) one whole box full..damn nice right??? yum... :) made a heart shaped one for him for v.day tomorrow, with M&Ms as decoration. first time i actually took the time to pay attention to every detail..lol..it just gotta look presentable you see? its special :p ...plus, lots of thanks to min of course for helping with the shaping of the heart....

To you guys: i really appreciate it!! it means alot to me that it was completed.. lol.couldn't have done it without u guys cause i'm quite bad at stuff like this. but it turned out good though:) hah! so i guess i CAN bake:) (anyways, if u guys need some medical attention tomorrow, i'm not paying...whaha!!) :p

chinese new year is around the corner!!! tarts, cakes, food, food and more food:) i love it!!!! i'm already starting to binge on them .. lol. i think i'm gonna have to work out many many times as hard as before. haha. i swear i'll grow fatter if i don't. no choice!! oh yes yes, not forgetting the hong baos:) i'm not greedy k? i'm just in desperate need of cash.. and my BTT's on thursday. didn't realise there was so much to go through! oh man.. and its too late to postpone the test. it'll be damn humiliating if i fail the BTT. OMG!! work safy, WORK! i don't have the mood though. so much to do, so little time. what am i gonna do..... meow.. guess i gotta complete it tonight then :)and then pray as hard as possible. lol. here we go!!!!!

Sunday, February 11, 2007 ; 11:36 PMY
i am lost in you

yup! i'm gonna be a bimbo/vainpot.. you know, cheerleader from teen flicks type of girl for the musical. haha... so this is how it goes, there are two groups(the elites and losers) and i'm in the elites. they are like the cool people in school. always bullying the losers and all. it was really funny. my mouth and tummy hurts from laughing too much. it didn't go too well at first cause the place we had to practice in was really small. had to do it in the UAN office.no choice :) but at least we have somewhere to practice. can't imagine us doing it below some HDB block. so anyways, we had to sit in a circle and go up one by one to bring out our characters. everyone has a loser and elite in his or herself. so yup. had to bring it out. thats where the acting starts. words can't even begin to explain how it went. it was just plain hilarious. seriously..whacky!!!

oh yes, doing ballet for 3 hours really killed my feet. it hurts alot now. there's like another 4-5 hour session of ballet sometime this month!!! oh dear..............lucky we didn't have to dance alot for the musical today :) every sunday's a busy busy day for me now:) wheeeeeeeeee..i'm going nuts! weeeeeeeeeeee.... lol :P

Saturday, February 10, 2007 ; 2:04 PMY
i am lost in you

i kinda got this from lyn's blog. i think its really true though.. i couldn't have written it any better myself :)

To lyn: if ur reading this, hope you don't mind me reposting this here. i mean, if u got violent objections, i'll take it off ;) lol.

you know, i really feel lucky :) happiest girl alive now!! woohoo!!!

44 things a perfect boyfriend would do
1-touch her waist
2-talk to her
3-share secrets
4-give her your jacket
5-kiss her slowly
are you remembering this?
6-hug her
7-hold her
8-laugh with her
9-invite her somewhere
10-let her be with you when you're with your friends
keep reading...
11-smile with her
12-take pictures with her
13-pull her onto your lap
14-when she says she loves you more, deny it. fight back
15-when her friends say i love her more than you, deny it. fight back and hug her tight so she cant get to her friends. it makes her feel loved
Are you thinking about someone?
16-always hug her and say "i love you" when you see her
17-kiss her unexpectedly
19-tell her shes beautiful... not sexy!
20-tell her the way you feel about her!
oh, and on that last one... u need to show her you mean it too
21-Open doors for her, walk her to her car- it makes her feel protected, plus it never hurt to act like a gentleman
22-Tell her she means everything to you, but mean it
23-if it seems like there is something wrong, ask her- if she denies something being wrong, it means she doesn't want to talk about it- so just hug her
24-make her feel loved
25-kiss her in front of other girls you know we might deny it but we actually like it and kinda want you to tickle us
26-don't lie to her
27-don't cheat on her
28-take her anywhere she wants
29-text messege or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day, and how much you miss her
30-be there for her whenever she needs you, & even when she doesn't need you, just be there so she'll know that she can always count on you
are you still reading this? u better be, its important
31. Hold her close when she's cold so she can hold you too.
32. When you are alone hold her close and kiss her.
33. Kiss her on the cheek; (it will give her the hint that you want to kiss her).
34. While in the movie, put your arm around her and then she will automatically put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin up and kiss her lightly.
35. Dont ever tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you're mad. If shes upset, comfort her. remember this next time you are with her
36. When people diss her, stand up for her.
37. Look deep into her eyes and tell her you love her.
38. Lay down under the stars and put her head on your chest so she can listen to the steady beat of your heart, Link your fingers together while you whisper to her as she rests her eyes and listens to you.
39. When walking next to each other grab her hand.
40. When you hug her hold her in your arms as long as possible
41. Call her at night to wish her sweet dreams.
42. Comfort her when she cries and wipe away her tears.
43. Take her for long walks at night.
44. Always Remind her how much you love her.
youll never know when she needs just a lil more love

Thursday, February 08, 2007 ; 11:27 PMY
i am lost in you

haven't been updating for the past 2 days or so cause it was bloody uneventful and i was feeling rather shitty. yup, thats right. it was so bad that i didn't even feel like bitching bout it here.. it wouldn't have helped like it did on other occasions. lol. today was tiring!! lol..i seem to wanna bitch bout everything huh? if there's nothing to do, i'll bitch...if life's hectic, i'll still bitch. wth..lol. oh well, guess thats because we all seek satisfaction.don't ya think?...or maybe its just me. hah! what the heck. aight. lol.not really thinking properly right now. so damn exhausted. spent almost a full day doing stuff. in the morning,i had the usual chore of playing that darn instrument. ate some lunch. then left the house to go for ballet. have to train hard for the exam in march. lol..last minute preps once again.oh my! come to think of it, i think i'm practicing almost everyday..and now i know why my damn blisters arn't healing. haha! damn retarded...practicing the dance so much..every little detail that i never really bothered to look at is haunting me now, ever since my teacher started pint pointing all those minor details! "again!! again!! again!!"she says....bleah... its hard work for lil ol' unflexible me. oh well, i'm gonna do this right! and that means i gotta train hard!! sobs... haiz... went to meet baby, min and car at bishan after class. had to change cause i was all stinky..ewwww...i know. but i came prepared to freshen up! haha! had to go and teach tuition at 6.30pm you see? lol. so we all ate subway...sorry min and car..u two didn't really have a choice.lol. john and i are addicted to subway!! i think car's the saddest one lah.. the poor soul has to go to pizza hut with min everytime and when she meets me, its subway. haha. i'll shake off the subway thing:) don't worry.lol.. but i don't seem to be getting sick of it yet.. so yea.. not anytime soon k?:) haha. just bear with it. whaha.. but i don't mind eating pizza hut :) yummm.. haven't eaten that in quite awhile... hmmmmm...arg!!!! stop it safy!!! diet diet diet! meow.. its at times like this when i wanna be like one of those chicks who can eat like pigs and not grow fat! like wtf! i need their genes for a day or something. or maybe for more than a day??? :P hehe. left for tuition at 6 plus after walking around abit and helping baby find a formal shirt for his presentation.

hmmm.. and i thought there was supposed to be rehearsals for the musical for tomorrow.. but it seems like its on saturday and sunday instead.. so there goes my weekend nights... it just flew out of the window, just like that. meow...nevermind, its only till early april and plus its something new to me so i don't mind the EXTRA effort :) and to all those out there who are gawking at my extra effort(you know who you are) ..shoo! dumb asses! lol. i can be hardworking k.. :P hmmm... and this has got to be the best part of today's entry! lol..good news for me!! meeting baby tomorrow again!! since he couldn't find his shirt today, we'll be going to bugis tomorrow! well, after my dance class that is.. eeeeee. gotta bring stuff to change again...haiz..thats life. aight. at least there's something for me to do to keep me from thinking..i've been stressing too much these days.. oh well.. ciao!

fuck.. i realised that having your boyfriend in poly is exactly the same as having him in the bloody army.
this is bloody crap.

Monday, February 05, 2007 ; 9:39 PMY
i am lost in you

I NEED TO GROW UP.(i'm sure many of you agree anyways)
i need to do it quick. both in mind and in actions. this childish shit is getting old. i wanna change myself...

Sunday, February 04, 2007 ; 4:08 PMY
i am lost in you

back from hk! took more pictures than i shopped! its quite abnormal for a person like me:) but it was fun. so, i'll let the pictures do the talking.they tell a thousand words after all. lol. its too long for me to type everything out too :) so here goes.....

man, he can handle his balls well(if you know what i mean)

my daddy!
there's always time for cam-whoring!
don't ask me who this guy is. he popped out of nowhere.
OMG! the toilet had a TV! how sweet!


the hotel at disney land:)

like i said, there's always time for cam-whoring :p

sea jellys!

seriously, the view's breath taking
now, ain't this sweet?

at the peak, near my old house

simply breath taking

this lady

5th April '88.
blur queen.
sucker for chocolates :p .

her past


her present

SIM UOL Banking & Finance

her wishes

loose weight...at least 3kg.
money!!! basically, a job.
pick up a new sport.
a new digicam.
more accessories...glittery ones.
preeety nails... can never keep them for long :( .
b>funky new hair colour!!!.

Designer : muffinLady
Photo : photobucket

her current fascinations

mr. ting's fish lips
pineapple tarts

Love Story - Taylor Swift